
Monday, October 22, 2007

Kruba Noi Pra Kring 'Wu kar pak' - Testimonals

Lately, I have been reciving lots of feedbacks and testimonals from my friends and clients regarding the Kruba noi pra kring 'Wu kar pak'. The feedbacks and results were so Sensational and Remarkable that I figure out in my mind, " What the Heck, I'm just going to feature this testimonals in my blog."
One testimonal is from a friend named Desmond.
(By the way not his real name)

Few weeks ago, I met a man named Desmond.
He contacted me and wanted to meet me to know more about this Kruba Noi Prak kring as it had caught his eyes and had a very keen interest in it.
It was a Friday evening when we met, he mentioned to me that he had been having bad luck and downturn in life for the past one year, facing financial problem, going through a divorce case with his wife and much more.
I told him since he like the Kruba noi Pra kring so much, means he must have spiritual connection with the amulet.
I advised him to chant a general katha every morning and wear this amulet with faith and belief.
As taught by Kruba Noi, I told him to use this Pra Kring to make into holy water and bath on a Saturday morning (he was Born on a Saturday).
Derrick thanked me for the advised and proceeded home.

One week later. I received a phone call from him and he told me:" Your Kruba noi Pra kring Wu ka Pak is the best. My life has improved for the better since wearing it."

I felt overjoyed for Desmond and ask him :" So in what way did your life improved?"
He told me:" On Friday, I got the amulet from you and on Saturday morning , I pray to the Pra kring and made a wish, then I requested to use the Pra kring to make into holy bathing water. After I finish bathing, I felt very positive and relaxed. I had obliterate stress, dissolved worry, banished tension and my mind is not filled with any problems.

I felt happy, wore my Kruba Noi Pra kring and went to the market to buy breakfast.
On my way back, there's a gut feeling asking me to go buy the lottery.
In normal cases, since the lottery shop was a distance from my home, I would easily gave up the idea to walk back there to buy lottery.
That day was different, the feeling was very strong and I headed to the lottery shop immediately to buy the lottery.
Sunday evening , the radio broadcasted the lottery result and I won third Prize in the 4D lottery. Wow, it has been a few years since I have ever strike the lottery.
I felt so good about myself and my life that makes me the luckiest of all."
After that he also mentioned to me that his career ran smoothly and things started to improve slowly.

He was so impressed with this Kruba noi Pra Kring that he even bought another one of this Kruba Noi Pra Kring for his father.

I wished Desmond for the best in everything that he do and good luck always.
Do check out more information of this Kruba Noi Pra Kring ' Wu kar Pak ' at:
See all other amulets at: