The great Luang phor Jan had created another new batch of amulets that good for windfall luck and Creating Magic Moments That Will Captivate People's Attention, Win Hearts And Change Minds In An Instant!
This two amulets is call neang salan takrut and neang salan oil. Both chanted at the same auspicious timing for the ceremony.
lp jan Neang salan takrut (with nang pom hom oil and 59 prai) (takrut for windfall luck and Creating Magic Moments That Will Captivate opposite sex Attention, Win Hearts And Change Minds In An Instant!)
lp jan Neang salan oil (with nang pom hom oil and 59 prai) (special oil for windfall luck and Creating Magic Moments That Will Captivate opposite sex Attention, Win Hearts And Change Minds In An Instant!)
Neang salan oil and Neang salan takut with prai 59 pee is original subject by lp tea . This is known as super oil and super mahasaney takut.
Made from special powder , strong power ,super metta mahasaney subject , original from old Cambodia subject more than 1000 yrs ago.
The 3 special ingredient use to make this takrut and oil include:
1) powder of the hook (hook use to control elephant so can make the user able to control mind peple , increase more power ) , strong metta , Strong attraction , wealth , call soul mate, transfer the user luck to be super lucky in love.
This hook is around 200 year ago that lp tea had given to lp jan which he had to blessed it so many time , can tame and control the big elephant to make it listen to the owner.
Lp jan said if use this hook beat on the head of any human , will make him go crazy due to the powerful effect of the hook.
2) Mix with wan and special powder , mahasaney powder that had made by lp tea , khamod prai nang pom hom oil (nang pom hom the name of one girl when she still alive , she had special hair which had a great smell ,many guy when smell her hair will be fall in love with her,even people that is blind that smell her hair will go crazy also )
Nang pom hom is real story , lp jan took her hair after she pass away(ard 40 year ago) and make into oil. This oil is very famous in Cambodia and is able to make the wish come true for the owner.
3) Mix mahapoot 59 promprai , call prai juti powder , lp had invited the spirit choosing only strong power spirit ,and will be going to born to be the angle ,blessed at auspious timing.
The spirit is invited and blessed properly by lp jan , so making it super safe for the owner to use.
During the ceremony for the chanting, lp jan stuff the ingredient into the handwritten takrut and oil then continue chanting until there were centipedes and many venomous snake came into the center of all amulet ,then finish done ritual.
According to lp jan, this ritual ensure that the effect of this takrut and oil is able to Get The Best Results As Fast As Humanly Possible then any other amulets.
The effect of wearing this takrut is super attraction, Can attract the opposite sex and even the same sex, meaning gay and lesbian can use also.
Can even use nang pom hom for leading to the manifestation of uncompromising ambition in ultimate windfall, speculative investments, gambling, lottery, horseracing, football bet and stock market.
keep or apply on body and forehead for cream, for boss love , people love and even able to change from enemy to be friend.
There is a special method to use this oil and takrut.
Among the few person in thailand who used it, they understood it's effectiveness in getting results and swore not to reveal it to just about anybody.
(One guy even called this the 'nuclear weapon' of all amulets) So I respectfully request anyone who learns this to keep it to themselves and NOT share with any friends, not even your best buddies.
This method will only be taught to the owner of the amulet for both neang salan takrut and oil.
Before this oil and takrut is completely sold out for good,
Get the lp jan Neang salan takrut at only $88sgd
Get the lp jan Neang salan oil at: $88sgd
Accept PayPal, Western Union, Posb, Public Bank tt transfer.
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Contact me by Email for any enquires:
Phone: +6591881863
I PROVIDE OVERSEAS TRANSACTIONS AND ACCEPT PAYPAL PAYMENT TOO,YOU CAN EMAIL ME FOR THE RATE AND EXTRA SHIPPING CHARGE FOR THE AMULETS.. I care a lot about how the amulet has helps you in your life.Nothing is more important to me than a happy client. ..
If you need help and got a question to ask, pls email me at: skybeliever2000@yahoo.com.sg